philosophical // philosophische Q&A

mit /with Prof. Katja Vogt

Desiring the Good Ancient Proposals and Contemporary Theory

Why is it most compelling to think that the final agential good is the good human life?

Why is the Guise of the Good the most compelling theory about our desire to have our lives go well?

You think that our desire to have our lives go well is very important to action and motivation. How does it relate to short- and mid-term pursuits?

Why is it important that ethics should start from the question "what is the good"?

How do you think could modern action theory profit from reading ancient philosophy?

Ist die Frage: Was wirklich wichtig und richtig im Leben ist, nur eine Frage für Philosophinnen und Philosophen?

Woher weiß ich in Konflikten, Krisen oder bei Lebensprojekten, was wirklich wichtig und richtig für mich ist?

Was ist Willens-Schwäche oder auch Akrasie?

Selbstvorstellung / Introduction

philosophical // philosophische Q&A

Desiring the Good Ancient Proposals and Contemporary Theory

Selbstvorstellung / Introduction

Why is it most compelling to think that the final agential good is the good human life?

Why is the Guise of the Good the most compelling theory about our desire to have our lives go well?

You think that our desire to have our lives go well is very important to action and motivation. How does it relate to short- and mid-term pursuits?

Why is it important that ethics should start from the question "what is the good"?

How do you think could modern action theory profit from reading ancient philosophy?

Ist die Frage: Was wirklich wichtig und richtig im Leben ist, nur eine Frage für Philosophinnen und Philosophen?

Woher weiß ich in Konflikten, Krisen oder bei Lebensprojekten, was wirklich wichtig und richtig für mich ist?

Was ist Willens-Schwäche oder auch Akrasie?